Sponsorship Artwork Requirements

Ad Sizes

  • FULL PAGE AD: 9 ½” H X 7 ½” W
  • HALF PAGE AD: 4 5/8” H X 7 ½” W
  • QUARTER PAGE AD: 3 5/8” H X 4 5/8” W

Submission Guidelines

Ads should be digitally submitted to:  sponsorships@eahsmusic.org.   

Please submit your ad in PDF format (preferred). If that is not possible, you may submit the ad as a high resolution TIFF, high resolution JPG, or Photoshop (PSD). If you are unsure, please contact sponsorships@eahsmusic.org.

A few items to note:

  • All text should be typed to ensure legibility
  • Photos should be originals or high-quality scans
  • The ads will print in black and white (unless otherwise noted), but can be submitted in color or black and white
  • Paper-submitted ads must be high quality

Important note: ads will print in black and white (unless otherwise noted), but can be submitted in color or black and white. Paper submitted ads must be high quality; they will not improve in quality after submission.


Please contact Tiffani Belvins, Business Sponsorships Coordinator, at sponsorships@eahsmusic.org with your questions.