Due to weather, Meet the Band Night has been reschedule to Thursday, August 22 outside the instrumental music room at Easton Area High School.
IMA is providing a free dinner for family and friends. This night serves as a preview performance to showcase what our marching band students have been working on throughout band camp.
Volunteers and donations needed
Obviously, feeding 300 students and their families is no small undertaking, but we’re very excited to host everyone and showcase our hard-working students. We still are in need of volunteers to help prepare, grill, and serve the food, as well as donations for specific items. If you’re able to contribute, please indicate what you’re able to provide using this Sign Up Genius.
Noteworthy event details
- Meet the Band Night will be held at EAHS and NOT at Cottingham Stadium.
- Marching band rehearsal for Wednesday, August 21 is from 5:00-8:00pm at EAHS.
- Marching band rehearsal for Thursday, August 22 is from 2:00-5:00pm with Meet the Band to follow immediately after.
- Students, families, and friends can arrive between 5:00-5:30pm outside the EAHS instrumental music rehearsal room for dinner.
- Students should wear their 2019-2020 red band shirt and shorts (these will be distributed Tuesday, August 20), long black socks, and dark colored sneakers. They also should bring their instrument/equipment with them if it is not already loaded on the instrument bus.
- The students will begin warming up between 6:00-6:15pm.
- The preview performance will begin at 7:00pm on the practice field by the high school and should conclude around 7:45pm. Please bring a lawn chair for the performance.
- The IMA will be selling clothing as well as have information about the organization.