March Forth: A Month of Giving to the EAHS Band and Orchestra

As we strive to create one of the nation’s finest music programs, we are kicking off our second annual March Forth fundraiser. This fundraiser will last through March 4th, which is known as “National Marching Band Day.” As our program grows, we want to continue to be able to provide EVERY student with the tools they need to be successful.

What is the March Forth campaign?

We are opening the March Forth fundraiser for one month, with a goal of $15,000 in unrestricted funds. It is a large sum of money, but if 500 people donated $30, we would reach our goal! All donations are tax deductible.

GOAL: RAISE $15,000 BY
MARCH 4, 2021

Why $15,000?

It costs a substantial amount of money to not only maintain, but also to grow a quality music program. With your help, we hope to provide some of the following in the near future:

  • Six $1,000 scholarships
  • Private lesson subsidies ($750 for one year’s worth of lessons)
  • Guest clinicians ($500 for one clinician)
  • Concert tuba ($6,000 each)

It costs approximately $75,000 to maintain the programs the IMA supports on an annual basis. Your unrestricted donation helps us to defray the costs to not only maintain, but grow the program.

Donate to March Forth

Donate and spread the word about March Forth to help us reach our campaign goal.

Eighth Grade Instrumental Music Family Night

We are looking forward to welcoming our 8th grade instrumental music families to the high school next year! We will be holding an informational night for you and your student on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 beginning at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. This meeting is for all 8th grade instrumental music students, including instrumentalists and color guard students.  

The purpose of the meeting is to familiarize yourself with our high school music program. You will receive information regarding dates for next year, hear from current high school instrumental music students, discuss scheduling, learn about upcoming 8th grade evaluations, and opportunities for the 2021 – 2022 school year. More information is available on the 8th grade instrumental music flyer (pdf), which includes quotes from current high school students and pictures from this past year.  

If you are unable to attend, please email Mr. Ballentine at by Wednesday, January 20 so we can plan accordingly.

Join the IMA Alumni

“Once a Rover, Always a Rover”

The IMA knows the Instrumental Music Program at Easton Area High School is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We want you to be able to stay connected to the program, to hear about upcoming events where you can support our Rover performers and programs, and to participate in or support fundraisers.

Remote IMA General Meeting Help

The link to the remote IMA General Meeting, which will use Zoom and includes an embedded password, will be emailed to all members, so please don’t share it with anyone other than another IMA member.

  • You will be prompted to download the Zoom app when clicking the meeting link you received in the email
  • You will be placed in a waiting room until the meeting begins
  • Your video will be enabled and your audio muted when entering the meeting
  • Use the “Raise Hand” feature to ask a question during the meeting
  • Voting will occur using the Polling feature in Zoom

How do I…

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Updates – April 5, 2020

April IMA Meeting – April 14, 2020

We are going to hold our April IMA meeting, virtually, on Tuesday, April 14 at 7:00 p.m. A link to the meeting will be distributed a few days before the meeting. The main topics of the meeting include:

  • Updates about schedules and events.
  • Voting on IMA board members for the 2020-2021 school year (the list will be distributed before the meeting).
  • Voting on a proposed amendment to the IMA by-laws (the amendment will be distributed before the meeting).
  • Provide financial updates.

If you know someone who may be interested in serving on the IMA board for next year, please submit their name to Regina Gangemi at by Wednesday, April 8, 2020. 

Updates for end-of-year events

  • IMA Banquet: The IMA banquet has been rescheduled to Friday, June 26 and will be no cost to parents/guardians. A location will be announced at some later date. More details about the banquet are addressed in a letter from Mrs. Kate Mattison, the coordinator of the banquet.
  • Craft Show/Flea Market:  The craft show/flea market is canceled.
  • Drive 4 UR School:  The spring Drive 4 UR School is canceled.
  • Purse Bingo:  Purse Bingo is tentatively postponed to the beginning of August.
  • Saturday Night Swing:  Saturday Night Swing is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, June 6